If you want to be a power user the first step is to get acquainted with the linux terminal.
This tutorial will show you the basics but no one will ever know every command there is to know, so keep learning.
Assuming you can find your way to the terminal on your machine or somewhere online, we'll jump right in.
First you'll notice that that the user's name and the machine's host name will be on the first line.
That shows you who you're logged in as and what machine you're operating on.
It seems like that would be obvious but if you have remote connections to other machines it can get confusing
so it's a helpful touch.
In the linux terminal, you are always somewhere. What I mean by that is you are always in a folder, or directory
as it's called in linux. Where you are now is the "home" directory.
To see what's in our home directory, type in "ls" and hit enter.
"ls" stands for "list" and it will show us everything that's in the current directory.
Try it now.